B&B in Creuse - Limousin (France)




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Introduction to the Creuse (Limousin)


    The "department" of the Creuse makes up, with Haute Vienne and Correze, the Limousin area located in the heart of France, between Poitou-Charentes, in the west, and Auvergne, in the east. It is a little known area, even for the French themselves who sometimes evoke it - without having ever visited it - in connection with its famous limousine meat, the masons who built Paris or the tapestry of Aubusson.

    The current characteristics of the Creuse, its demography, economy and communications, do not rank it at the top of the hit-parade! To be truthful, it is one of the least populated departements in France with amongst the lowest ressources in the country, without high- tech activities or industry, without urbanization, and still very withdrawn, as even today it is served neither by motorway, TGV nor airport.
    This last point highlights, partly, why the Creuse is not known: nobody comes here by chance!
    But, reverse of misfortune, the Creuse offers to the traveller in love with nature and preserved landscapes, the stressed town-dweller seeking calm and comfort or the amateur of sport and outdoor activities, an unusual and authentic destination.
    This is why, more and more, those who come here like to stay !

    Indeed, the Creuse seems to have been saved from all the transformations and attacks of the modern world and what undoubtedly surprises the newcomer is the concept of another rhythm, a certain softness, harmonious contrasts, a complementarity in the diversity of things and beings.
    What we sometimes call "quality of life ".

    All this contributes to the feeling: first, the intimacy of the "bocage" with its wild hedges, its fruits, its woods, its green meadows , its undulating hills, so many brooks and rivers, then, the presence of wildlife in the turning of the path (roe-deer, badger, otter...) or the "savoir-vivre" around the sheep "baronet", the black- bottom pig, apples and sweet chestnuts, trouts, zanders and pikes, and finally, the know-how of the granite tailors, the wooden tile makers, the tapestry weavers and the storytellers of legends.

    More informations about
    the Creuse (Slides show)

Espace, nature et liberté dans la Creuse 


Randonnées avec des ânes dans la Creuse 

Promenades dans la campagne en Creuse 

Contemplation sur la Vallée de la Creuse à La Celle Dunoise 

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L'Ecole Buissonnière - Chambres et tables d'hôtes - 23800 La Celle Dunoise - Tél : 05 55 89 23 49

Administration : Béatrice Quernec - ecolebuissonniere@netcourrier.com
Hébergement : AMEN - 75008 Paris - 0892 55 66 77